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revolution but rather evolution or reformism. They often start with a powerful exposure of the ugliness of the bourgeois world in their works, but their novels usually have happy endings or an impotent compromise at the end. Here are the strength and weakness of critical realism. 批判现实主义是盛行于19世纪的文学流派之一,揭示了金钱控制一切对人性的恶劣影响,这正是19世纪批判现实主义民主和人文特点的根源。19世纪的英国批判现实主义者不但讽刺性地描述了资产阶级和其他统治阶级,而且表现了对普通大众的深切同情。在他们最好的作品中,他们利用幽默和讽刺的手法对比了上层阶级的贪婪和虚伪以及下层阶级普通大众的诚实和善良。幽默的场景伴随着正面人物的行动,但是这种幽默略带了柔情的意味,强调了这些人物好的一面。同时,也用辛辣的讽刺和怪诞的风格来揭露资产阶级社会丑恶的一面。但是,批判现实主义者们并没有找到办法消除他们所熟知的社会罪恶,他们没有意识到通过人们有意识的努力来改变资本主义社会的必要性。他们作品中的主要倾向不是革命,而是改革;在他们的作品中,他们通常是在开始时强有力地揭示了资本主义世界的丑恶,最后只是提供一个巧合的喜剧结尾或者以无力的妥协来结束。在这里我们同时看到了批判现实主义的优点和弱点。

[1] Romanticism : Romanticism was in effect a revolt of the English imagination against the

neoclassical reason, which prevailed from the days of Pope to those of Johnson. The Romantic Movement expressed a more or less negative attitude toward the existing social and political conditions that came with industrialization and the growing importance of the bourgeoisie. Romantics saw men essentially as an individual in the solitary state and emphasized the special qualities of each individual's mind. In essence it designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience. It also places the individual at the center of art, making literature most valuable as an expression of his or her unique feelings and particular attitudes, and valuing its accuracy in portraying the individual's experiences. The romantics extol the faculty of the imagination, write about nature and they get inspiration form nature, turn to the humble people and the common everyday life for subjects and turn to other times and places, where the qualities they valued would be convincingly depicted.

[2] Stream-of-consciousness: Stream of consciousness, which presents the thoughts of a

character in the random, seemingly unorganized fashion in which the thinking process occurs, has the following characteristics. First, it reveals the action or plot through the mental processes of the characters rather than through the commentary of an omniscient author. Second, character development is achieved through revelation of extremely personal and often typical thought processes rather than through the creation of typical characters in typical circumstances. Third, the action of the plot seldom corresponds to real, chronological time, but moves back and forth through present time to memories of past events and drams of the future. Fourth, it replaces narration, description, and commentary with dramatic interior monologue and free association.

[3] Realism: A term used in literature and art to present life as it really is without

sentimentalizing or idealizing it. Realistic writing often depicts the everyday life and speech of ordinary people. This has led, sometimes to an emphasis on sordid details.





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